Lakeside Student Ministry

Granbury, TX

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sorry for the delay in posting from last Wed.

We started a new series this week...If Jesus had a MySpace?

While I know that MySpace creates many feeling in parents...we are just looking at the fact that there are a 100 million users on MySpace with 230,000 new users signing up everyday. This generation is being called the MySpace generation. They are flocking to MySpace due to the drive to have community.

If there are 100 million people on MySpace it is probably a place Jesus would go to interact with teenagers and young adults. Jesus was active in engaging the lost community and this would be a way he could interact with them.

So this past week we had Jesus write his profile. We did it in a creative way using video, music, Scripture, poetry and words...but in the end Jesus profile included He is Creator. He is Holy. He is Just. He is Savior. He is King.

And if we know Him and love him we too will get to sit on that throne with Him according to Rev. 3. I don't know about you...but I got to sit on that throne.


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