Lakeside Student Ministry

Granbury, TX

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Student Life Camp Day 4

Well, it is the final day before we pack our bags and say good bye to Student Life Camp for another year.

Last night during our corporate worship time God moved in a powerful way. Our camp pastor, Neil McClendon simply read scripture over the students and prayed while Kristian played quietly and let the Holy Spirit move amongst the crowd. Neil encouraged the kids to get serious about their sin and confess it to someone they trusted. Students came in droves to be obedient to the Lord's call to confess. It was a powerful move of God that I know our students won't soon forget.

Today God gave us a break from the oppressive heat and humidity and blessed us with some rain and cloud cover. This was especially pleasant during recreation today. The kids got to participate in a sports camp of sorts where they played everything from Volleyball to Lacrosse.

Now the kids are heading to our last corporate worship session. Please pray that our students would be sensitive to what God has to say to them tonight. Pray that they wouldn't let the fact that they are tired get in the way of what God has for them tonight.

We have all enjoyed our time here at Student Life Camp, but we are all ready to return home tomorrow. Pray for a safe journey for us as we travel back to the great state of Texas! Remember parents, we will have a short video to show you what your kids were up to this week, so don't miss it!

See you tomorrow evening!

Hey Parents!  Wow!  Last night was powerful. God met us in a HUGE way.  During the worship Neil just felt like God wanted him to go ahead and do the invitation before he spoke. He felt like there were many students that were ready to respond at that time...and boy was he right!  He asked students to respond if they wanted to know Christ and then he asked for students that needed to confess sin to stand up.  All of these went to counseling and the worship continued.  But God was not done yet.  There was a brokeness across the room and God was speaking.  After asking the students to ask God to speak to them individually.  

we had many of our students respond to the invitation....roughly about half of our kids were meeting with adults around the room.  But the end of the evening we saw 8 students come to know Christ personally and many more confessing their sins and getting their lives right.  It was an incredible movement of the Holy Spirit. And while some of it was emotional...more than anything it was overwhelming to be in God's presence.

Continue to pray as we have students still wrestling with decisions. Pray for when they get home that they would put their commitments into action!

Love you guys!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Student Life Camp Day 3

Hello again parents! We can’t tell you enough how much fun your kids are having. This morning we ate breakfast and headed to do our quiet time with our church. The theme for this year’s camp is The Way, referring to the narrow path that Christians take in obedience to God’s word. This morning’s quiet time pointed the students to Matthew 5:13-16 and challenged them to be beacons on The Way so that others may find it.

After quiet time we headed to morning celebration and then to rec. Today at recreation the kids played a variety of games from Frisbee-bowling to a version of capture the flag that flirts with the line between fun and insanity! The kids all had a blast and we got some great footage for the blooper reel.

Right now most of the kids are enjoying their free time by playing Ultimate Frisbee, talking with their leaders or going to a variety of breakout sessions ranging from those for kids who are interested in running sound and lights to kids who are interested in leading worship through their musical talents.

I encourage you to continue to pray for our kids as we reach the middle of camp. The third day is always the toughest and things always seem to go awry, one way or another. Neil will bring the truth of God’s Word hard and fast tonight. Pray that even though they are tired that they would experience the presence of God in such a tangible way that it would change them forever.

Remember! You can listen in to our worship service via the Internet broadcast on the Student Life website.

Thanks for stopping in and we’ll see you next time!

Wow!  So yesterday was a blast...seeing Mark just get soaked and taking it like a man! He was a great sport and it was sweet to hear the kids thank him for coming.  It has been a precious time seeing the kids get to know him this week.  And he is hanging in there with us...with little sleep and a lot of walking.

Keep praying for us as we hit the middle part of camp. The kids are starting to get tired.  They are starting to find their camp "loves."  Pray that they would not get distracted and really hear from the Lord.  Neil is really challenging them this year.  Really challenging them about not being just people that say they are Christians but walking that out.  My 2 favorite thoughts from last night are "It is not what you say you believe.  It is how you live. EVerything else is just spiritual gossip."  Also, "there is a loneliness to obedience that most students cannot sustain nor endure."  Pray that this would not be true of our kids.

There are several students here that do not know the Lord...pray they would meet the living God. Pray against division among our students.  Pray God would continue to move in a mighty way....we have sensed His presence since day one and God has really shaken up some of our kids already.  God is good.

See you when we get back...keep reading Lincoln will be posting.  And listen into worship at student life each night.  Love you guys!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Student Life Camp Day 2

Day two has all but come and gone and the kids have done so much! The breakfast bell came early this morning as we all awoke to beautiful sunny day here in Ruston. After breakfast we headed to morning celebration, where we energized by the enthusiastic Drama team and worship leader and got pumped for recreation with our wonderful rec leaders.

After morning celebration kids either headed to recreation or family group bible study time. Rec today was a blast! It was water day for the Lakeside crew and so we headed to the rec field ready to get wet. The game leaders were so prepared and ready to help us have a great time and, more importantly, get Mark, Shelley, Ryan and the rest of the Adult sponsors soaked.

We played all sorts of games from capture the flag (Water Day Style) to team building exercises where our kids got to work together to race against each other in a range of tasks.

I would have to say that the kids favorite game involved getting Mark, Shelley, Ryan and Peggy dripping wet. The kids had to cary wet sponges under their armpits from the full bucket to an empty bucket, that once full, was to be dumped on each teams leader. The team leaders graciously gave their spots to Mark, Shelley, Ryan and Peggy. I don't think I've seen the kids work so fast at anything before! Needles to say the buckets were filled and the adults were soaked.

The kids are all at family group prayer time now. After that we'll head to this evenings worship service and then to church group time.

The best part about our evening worship services this year is that you can worship with us on your computer. Go to the Student Life Camp website and click the link on the right hand side of the page that says Listen In Live.

See you next time!

Student Life Camp Day 1

Well, we finally made it to camp! The ride was easy and our drivers were the best.

When we first arrived we unloaded the buses and headed made for the dorms. After everyone had time to get settled it was time to go to orientation, where we met our Recreation Team Leaders and went over some basic ground rules, but lucky for us this was no ordinary speech; the wonderful drama team gave us the top ten things you might here at camp, but shouldn’t. Everyone had a good laugh and we all got the picture.

After orientation was over we headed to dinner in the wonderful Louisiana Tech cafeteria with food choices ranging from standard cafeteria food to Chick-fil-a and Burger King. I don’t think I have to tell you what most of our kids went for, but lets just say that it wasn’t the plain old cafeteria food.

With a few minutes to spare after dinner everyone headed to Family Group Bible Study where the kids got a chance to get better acquainted with each other and the group leaders get a chance to begin to set the tone for the rest of the week.

Next we headed to our first Corporate Worship session. Our wonderful camp worship leader, Kristian Stanfill, kicked us off right with some rocking musical worship followed by some drama by the acting troop All things to all People. After the drama our kids got a chance to experience our camp pastor for the week, Neil McClendon. His special brand of off the cuff humor paired with his no nonsense attitude allows for an unavoidable encounter with the truth of God’s Word.

God has already begun to work in the hearts and lives of our kids and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us the rest of this week.

Keep checking the blog as I’ll be updating it every night with new information and pictures.

Goodnight and God bless!