Lakeside Student Ministry

Granbury, TX

Thursday, September 28, 2006

See you at the Pole
Last night was amazing as almost 600 students gathered at GHS auditorium to celebrate what God did at See you at the Pole yesterday. We were blessed to have student ministers from across Granbury come together to lead our students in worship. Mike Guzrrado, from Acquire the Fire, spoke to the students about being leaders in their generation. He talked about how we are one generation from seeing the extinction of Christianity in America. While 34% of their parents claim to be Bible believing Christians only 4% of teenagers make the same claim. Teenagers today are the largest generation ever and currently they make up the majority of our population. The challenge was that they have the ability to change culture and the face of our nation, for the good or for the bad. Mike challenged the students to decide that they will be leaders for Christ on their campuses and will share Christ with those around them. 77% of people accept Christ before the after of 21. He told the students that it is right now that they have the chance to change the course of this nation. He challenged them to fight for their generation and to stand for Christ.
It was an amazing night. Below are the numbers from the local schools for SYATP. Thanks for supporting your students and getting them to school early to be part of SYATP.
Crossland- 60
GHS- 150
GMS- 80
AMS- 175
Shape- 27
Mambrino- 11
If you want to hear stories about what God did around the world at SYATP visit their website at

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sorry for the delay in posting...I was out of the office most of the day on Thursday doing hosptial visits and did not post. Here is Wednesday night's talk. Remember if you ever want to "hear" what is said you can request a copy of the talk.

Conformed to the Image of Christ- Continued
Romans 8:29
“For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters.”

Developing spiritual "HABITS" that help us becoming more like His Son?
H- Hanging out with God

A- Accountability with another believer

B- Bible Memorization

I- Involvement in the church

Hebrews 10:24-25
And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

T- Tithing

Deuteronomy 8:18
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is he that gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
Why is giving an important habit to develop?
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Giving proves that I put God first in my life.

“Honor the Lord your God with your wealth, with the first-fruits”—circle “first”—“of all your crops, then your barns will be filled to overflowing”—

Malachi 3:6-20

S- Study Scripture

Colossians 2:6-7
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

Habits will not happen overnight they are a process and it will take time to develop. But they are important. You are never just stagnant in your walk with the Lord…you are growing to be more like His Son or you growing to be less like His son.
Watch your thoughts; they become words.Watch your words; they become actions.Watch your actions; they become habits.Watch your habits; they become character.Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. --Frank Outlaw

If you are not spending time with Him eventually it will effect you because your thoughts, words, actions, habits will change your character.

If you have a relationship with Christ. I would encourage to you to find one of the adults in this room and they would be happy to talk with you. Answer any questions that you have.

If you are believer that is trying to grow to be more like His Son in this room…what is one habit that you need to commit to tonight? What is one area that you can begin to start growing in your relationship with Him? What area do you need to make time to grow in?

If you are a believer and you have turned away from Him. You have stopped spending time with Him. You are starting to see areas where you are beginning to compromise. I would just ask you to find some accountability tonight. Confess you are struggling because only in pursing Jesus do you really get to be free to be all that God has created you to be.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wednesday Night 9/13/06
We had a great night last night with the students. The praise band did an AMAZING job this week job kicking us off with My Glorious. (the two electric guitars were great!)
We continued to talk about how they are created for a purpose. That they are not the result of a cosmic accident. Tonight we looked at we are created to become like Christ.
Ultimately being a Christian is not just about the destination. (heaven) It is also about the journey. The journey to have a relationship with Him so we can know Him more and become like Him.
Read Romans 8:29
The word in this passage is "Eikon" which means to be made in the image or replication. So how do we become like His Son?
In every relationship we must commit time to get to know someone. It is the same way with Christ. As believers we can't expect to grow if we are only going to get fed 2 times a week on Sundays and Wednesdays. (just like we can't grow as people if we only eat two meals a week.) We must learn to feed ourselves. We must develop HABITS (or spiritual disciplines) in order to know Christ and as a result of knowing Him we can look more like Him.
We will use the acroustic HABITS to talk about how to develop our relationship with Christ.
For many of us this is called a quiet time. But it is our chance to open the Bible and hear God speak to us individually. We become like those we hang out with. Just like our friends influence how we live because we spend time with them, Christ influences how we live when we spend time with Him.
We cannot grow in isolation. We need others to spur us along toward love and good deeds.
James 5: 16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
We memorize Scripture because is keeps us from sin (Ps. 119:11)
But also it is the words of life to us.
Next week we will look at the rest of the word HABITS. Below are the small group questions.
Small Group Questions:
1. Did you follow through with your “next step” last week of protecting the unity of the church? How did it go? (Focus on what we have in common instead of differences, be realistic in your expectations, choose to encourage rather than criticize, refuse to listen to gossip, practice God’s method for conflict resolution, or support your pastor and leaders.)
2. Tonight we talked about 3 of the habits necessary to grow in our faith and learn to walk on our own. (Remember it is about the destination AND the journey!) What is one habit you could focus on as a step toward becoming more like Christ?
Please be praying for our students. There is a lot of strep and sinus infections going around.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Hello and welcome to the Lakeside Baptist Church
Student Ministry blog!

In the near future you'll be able to find out up coming events on the Lakeside Student Ministry calendar along with information on what was talked about on Wednesday night at The Attic.

We hope this helps us let you know what is going on and what is coming up!

Thanks for stopping by! See the blog Thursday for an update on the talk. If you ever want to hear a talk from Wed. just let us know. We can get you a copy of the talk for you to listen to.